
We are dedicated to providing cost-effective and reliable digital marketing and IT solutions that empower service professionals and businesses to stand out and achieve growth in the digital age. Our unique 3-in-1 done-for-you LinkedIn-centric lead generation solution is the result of five years of tireless effort, and we take great pride in it. Now more than ever, we are equipped to support your growth by transforming digital challenges into opportunities for increased brand visibility and business expansion.
Shilong Chen >

Shilong has a background as a software engineer. He has worked for companies like Keppel Land, Amadeus, and various independent IT projects, where he gained expertise in system analysis and integration, as well as designing and developing new software.

Now a tech entrepreneur and digital marketing and IT specialist, Shilong specializes in areas such as LinkedIn lead generation, online personal branding, website development, and AI automation. He is a strong advocate for the evolving dynamics of the middleman economy, believing that all businesses, to some extent, serve as middlemen. Traditional middlemen like insurance agents and brick-and-mortar stores hold irreplaceable human value, providing unique experiences that e-commerce platforms or apps cannot replicate. For Shilong, the essence of business lies in creating value for customers, whether through transformation, distribution, service, or convenience.

Shilong sees technology as a tool to empower middlemen, enhancing their role rather than eliminating them. As traditional middlemen adapt or transform, he anticipates the rise of new ones in areas that value trust, curation, and personalization. This vision led him to establish Agent Infinite in 2014, with the mission to provide cost-effective and reliable digital marketing and IT solutions. His goal is to empower service professionals and businesses to stand out and grow in the digital age.

Shilong is not only a leader but also a hands-on strategist who invests countless hours into creating better solutions that drive superior results for clients. He personally crafts the strategy for every client account, ensuring the team maintains the same direction, communication, and results focus.

Shilong earned a Master's Degree in Software Engineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and was the 2012 recipient of The Accenture Prize for Best Internship Project. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance from UCD.

He is based in Singapore and hails from Guangdong, China. He is a travel and adventure enthusiast, having been to the likes of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, and Cuba. He also enjoys cooking experiments.


Our team, Agent Infinite, is composed of a group of individuals with various backgrounds in digital marketing, sales, IT, and more. However, what unites us is our passion for excellence and our desire to help others achieve success. We take pride in our work and genuinely enjoy what we do.

'家' - JIA (house)

At Agent Infinite, we consider this our home, built on the foundation of honesty, hard work, customer service, and always striving to do our best. We value your trust and work hard to maintain and nurture it.

'加' - JIA (plus)

Our philosophy is to go the extra mile and provide value-added work to everything we do. We are dedicated to your growth and success, and we constantly seek out new talent to join our team. If you're interested, please click here to contact us and learn more.

We are always looking for new talent. Click here to contact us if you are keen to find out more.